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Coastal and Marine Management

Online Course | Environment | Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung | Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Research Warnemünde, Germany & Marine Research Institute at Klaipeda University, Lithuania


Welcome to the Online Course: "Coastal and Marine Management"

Coasts have always been a focus area of human activities and the sea has provided food, enabled transport and connected humans. Today, not only traditional coastal and marine uses exist but also emerging activities, such as mineral extraction, wind farms or new types of aquaculture. Beside this economic importance, coasts and seas have high intrinsic value, provide a free horizon, a unique environment or wildlife.

Increasing human activities cause an unsustainable use of our coasts and seas and the fragile ecosystems are threatened. As a consequence, coasts and seas became a focus of the European Union’s environmental policy. This policy provides the basis for an integrated and sustainable management with the goal to ensure healthy marine ecosystems that enable a sustainable use.

The course Coastal and Marine Management provides a sound overview about the scientific state of art and applicable management approaches and methods. It presents up-to-date knowledge about European Union’s coastal and marine policy and its implementation with a focus on the Baltic Sea. The Baltic Sea shows a wide range of human activities, resulting in pressures and negative environmental impacts that are explained and discussed. On the other hand, the Baltic Sea governance and management can be regarded as successful and can serve as a best-practice example. Therefore, the knowledge obtained on the Baltic Sea is of general relevance and can be transferred to other coasts and seas.


01 - Coastal Management (ICZM) – Introduction
       01a - Case study - Coastal Realignment and Lagoon Restoration - Geltinger Birk  
       01b - Case study - Coastal Realignment and Moor Restoration - Hütelmoor  
       01c - Case study - Integrated Coastal Flood Risk Management - Timmendorf

02 - Coastal Management – A Systems Approach

03 - Coastal Management – Stakeholder Involvement

04 - Coastal Management – Supporting Tools and Methods

05 - River Basin - Coast - Sea Management

06 - Marine/Maritime Spatial Planning
       06a - The German Marine Spatial Plan

07 - Ecosystem Services - Concepts and Methods 

08 - Ecosystem Services - Coastal and Marine Policy


09 - Baltic Sea – Policies & Management

10 - Baltic Sea – Pressures & State

11 - Baltic Sea – Eutrophication

12 - Baltic Sea – Environmental Assessment using Indicators

13 - Baltic Sea – Coastal Water Restoration

14 - Baltic Sea – Commercial Mussel Farming

15 - Baltic Sea – Bathing Water Quality

16 - Baltic Sea – Climate Change


17 - Plastics in the Sea – A Global Problem

18 - Plastics at the Coast – Sources, State and Monitoring

19 - Plastics at Coasts and in the Sea – Solutions

20 - Baltic Sea - Microplastics

21 - Microplastic Transport between Land and Sea

22 - Marine Litter Beach Monitoring in Practice


Students with various backgrounds as a well as employees, practitioner and laymen interested in environmental management.


Members of the Coastal and Marine Management Group at the Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research in Warnemünde, Germany, and the Marine Research Institute at Klaipeda University, Lithuania:
  • Prof. Dr. Gerald Schernewski (head)
  • M.Sc. Gabriela Escobar Sanchez
  • Dr. Mirco Haseler
  • Dr. Sarah Piehl
  • M.Sc. Lukas Ritzenhofen
  • M.Sc. Esther Robbe
  • M.R.M. Johanna Schumacher
  • Dr. Miriam von Thenen
  • Date: flexible, start is possible any time
  • Fee: free of charge
  • Language: English
  • Course type: video lecture
  • Course length: 26 Videos, approx. 10 hours


The master course at Klaipeda and Rostock University includes online and face-to-face learning. The online part includes 26 e-lectures; lecture print-outs (PDFs) for every e-lecture; an online text module on Coastal and Marine Management and a Multiple Choice test for assessing learning success.
The e-lecture course is complemented by an online text module that provides additional, detailed background information. The thematic focus is on European Union coastal and marine policy with a spatial focus on the Baltic Sea management. The online text module includes a multiple choice self-test.
The online text module is complemented by a multiple choice test. The test is generally accessible and can be used to check knowledge learning success. You can try it out as often as you like. A comparable test will be used in the exam for Master study courses:
The course runs under the title ‘Coastal Engineering III’
Coastal & marine management requires up-to-date knowledge. To serve this need, students will get access to up-to-date knowledge and documents. Of similar importance are a wide range of communication, presentation and practical skills as well as the ability to work in teams. The face-to-face events will focus on a practical training of these aspects.

All e-lectures are permanently available online and for download as a pdf-document. This allows a replay and enables an efficient rework after the lecture. This allows students with problems in English language to successfully follow the course. Intermediate oral tests on e-lecture contents will take place regularly.

Complementing information is provided in the online text module ‘Coastal & Marine Management’. At the end of the course, you will take a multiple-choice test about the content of the online module. The test is comparable to the provided multiple-choice self-test but will be on paper. 

The larger face-to-face teaching includes group-work, role plays, student presentations, training of moderations and communication skills, intermediate oral tests, complementary lectures, lab-work and field studies.

During the face-to-face events, every student gets marks for every major topic/exercise, partly as self-evaluation, partly by every teacher. Our evaluation criteria are: knowledge of the e-lecture contents, quality of the deliverables, quality of the input to the course as well as motivation, activity and reliability. The final mark for the face-to-face lecturing period is an average of all marks.

The final score is a weighted average of the multiple choice test, the average face-to-face lecturing marks and the oral examination. For Students who miss a full day (5 hours) the weighted average will be shifted towards a higher weight of the multiple choice test. To miss more than two face-to-face lecturing days is usually not possible.

The course schedule and further details will be send via email.
Coastal & marine management requires up-to-date knowledge. To serve this need, students will get access to up-to-date knowledge and documents. Of similar importance are a wide range of communication, presentation and practical skills as well as the ability to work in teams. The face-to-face events will focus on a practical training of these aspects.

All e-lectures are permanently available online and for download as a pdf-document. This allows a replay and enables an efficient rework after the lecture. This allows students with problems in English language to successfully follow the course. Intermediate oral tests on e-lecture contents will take place regularly.

Complementing information is provided in the online text module ‘Coastal & Marine Management’. At the end of the course, you will take a multiple-choice test about the content of the online module. The test is comparable to the provided multiple-choice self-test but will be on paper. 

The larger face-to-face teaching includes group-work, role plays, student presentations, training of moderations and communication skills, intermediate oral tests, complementary lectures, lab-work and field studies.

During the face-to-face events, every student gets marks for every major topic/exercise, partly as self-evaluation, partly by every teacher. Our evaluation criteria are: knowledge of the e-lecture contents, quality of the deliverables, quality of the input to the course as well as motivation, activity and reliability. The final mark for the face-to-face lecturing period is an average of all marks.

The final score is a weighted average of the multiple choice test, the average face-to-face lecturing marks and the oral examn. For Students who miss a full day (5 hours) the weighted average will be shifted towards a higher weight of the multiple choice test. To miss more than two face-to-face lecturing days is usually not possible.

The course schedule and further details will be send via email.
Coastal & marine management requires up-to-date knowledge. To serve this need, students will get access to up-to-date knowledge and documents. Of similar importance are a wide range of communication, presentation and practical skills as well as the ability to work in teams. The additional online events with lecturers will focus on a practical training of these aspects.

All e-lectures are permanently available online and for download as a pdf-document. This allows a replay and enables an efficient rework after the lecture. This allows students with problems in English language to successfully follow the course.

Intermediate oral tests on e-lecture contents will take place regularly. During the online events with lecturers, every student gets marks for every exercise.

Complementing information is provided in the online text module ‘Coastal & Marine Management’.

At the end of the course, you will take an oral test. The test covers the content of online text module ‘Coastal & Marine Management’ and of all e-lectures.

The course schedule and further details will be send via email.
The Coastal and Marine Management Group at the Baltic Sea Research Institute, in Warnemünde, Germany is the major contact for the course.

The online-learning portal at Rostock University ‘Offene Universität Rostock’ provides information for external persons interested in the course.

The course is part of the Master ‘Environmental Engineering Sciences’ at Rostock University.

The course is part of the Master Degree Programme  ‘Ecology and Environmental Studies’ at Klaipeda University.

The course is part of the Bachlor Degree Programme 'Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability' at the European University EU-CONEXUS. 


Coastal and Marine Management covers a wide spectrum of topics. The following lectures provide background information and are complemented by case study examples.
This e-lecture provides an overview about concept and basics of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM). It reflects the policy background and state-of-art in Europe, critically assesses deficits and future perspectives and shows the links to ecosystem-based management and sustainable development (Agenda 21).

Slides to download

pdf   1,8 MB   21. Apr 2022, 09:18  
This e-lecture presents a coastal protection and renaturation case study in northern Germany. As consequence of sea level rise and storm surges, the existing dyke was abandoned. A controlled flooding and re-wetting of coastal lowlands established an ecologically valuable, protected brackish lagoon system. Nowadays the areas is a tourism attraction, but insufficient information and participation as well as local resistance hampered the planning and implementation process.

Slides to download

pdf   3,0 MB   21. Apr 2022, 09:15  
This e-lecture presents a coastal protection and renaturation case study in northern Germany. As consequence of sea level rise and storm surges, a new coastal protection strategy was implemented.  After finishing a full protection of the town Markgrafenheide from flooding, a controlled re-wetting of the neighboring coastal moors has been implemented. Parts of the coast were left to the natural coastal dynamic. Local resistance hampered the planning and implementation process.

Slides to download

pdf   2,4 MB   21. Apr 2022, 09:15  
This e-lecture presents a coastal protection best-practice case study in northern Germany. As consequence of sea level rise, storm surges and ongoing erosion the coastal flood system in Timmendorf-Scharbeutz became deficient. Applying a Systems Approach Framework, different coastal protection and flooding solutions were developed and assessed. In close cooperation with the local population and stakeholders, a new system was successfully implemented.

Slides to download

pdf   1,8 MB   21. Apr 2022, 09:15  
This e-lecture introduces the Systems Approach Framework (SAF) that provides a systematic and stepwise approach to support practical applications of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM). The six SAF steps with their supporting actions and tools are explained and their implementation is demonstrated based on a concrete ICZM case study.

Slides to download

pdf   3,4 MB   21. Apr 2022, 09:15  
This e-lecture provides insights into the benefits and challenges of stakeholder involvement based on concrete case study examples. It introduces different levels of participation and insights into methods that can be used to map and involve stakeholders.

Slides to download

pdf   4,1 MB   21. Apr 2022, 09:15  
This e-lecture provides an overview about the need for and role of decision support tools in coastal and marine management. Different tools types are introduced and their strength and weakness are discussed. Supporting tools for the Systems Approach are introduced and their application throughout different SAF steps is demonstrated.

Slides to download

pdf   3,6 MB   21. Apr 2022, 09:18  
This e-lecture picks up the UNEP Integrated Coastal Area and River Basin Management concept, analyses world-wide cases studies and shows how the EU Water Framework Directive carries the approach further. Focusing on nutrient management and eutrophication in the Oder/Odra river basin – coastal system the necessities, limits and challenges are discussed.

Slides to download

pdf   3,9 MB   21. Apr 2022, 09:15  
This e-lecture provides an introduction to marine/maritime spatial planning, including its definition and historic development. The status of MSP globally is highlighted and more details are provided for the European approach, including the EU MSP Directive, its application in the Baltic Sea and transboundary challenges.

Slides to download

pdf   3,3 MB   21. Apr 2022, 09:15  
This case study e-lecture provides an overview of German maritime spatial planning in the exclusive economic zone. The current MSP plan (adopted in 2021) is highlighted from an environmental perspective and an evaluation of the plan is provided with respect to strengths and weaknesses but also in comparison to other MSP plans in the Baltic Sea and its use for marine management.

Slides to download

pdf   1,1 MB   21. Apr 2022, 09:15  
This e-lecture gives an introduction into the ecosystem services concept including general definitions and classification schemes. You will learn about the three main assessment approaches (monetary, biophysical and socio-cultural methods). A detailed example is shown for an integrative assessment approach for sandy beaches in the Baltic and the Mediterranean Sea.

Slides to download

pdf   4,8 MB   21. Apr 2022, 09:15  
This e-lecture highlights the relevance of marine ecosystem services for coastal and marine policy and the extent to which the ecosystem service concept has been integrated into EU policy. One aspect - the assessment and mapping of ecosystem services, as required by the EU Biodiversity Strategy, is covered in detail - and approaches for assessing and mapping marine ecosystem services in the Baltic Sea are presented.

Slides to download

pdf   3,0 MB   21. Apr 2022, 09:15  


The following lectures provide a general overview about topics with spatial focus on the Baltic Sea. This acknowledges the Baltic Sea’s role as a world-wide leading best practice example for coastal and marine management.
This e-lecture gives an overview how the Helsinki Commission, the EU European Marine Strategy and the Baltic Sea Action Plan interact and are implemented to reach the aim of a good environmental status of the Baltic Sea. The success of this comprehensive and ambitious policy approach is critically assessed.

Slides to download

pdf   2,4 MB   21. Apr 2022, 09:15  
This e-lecture provides background information on agriculture and population and shows the resulting drivers and pressures for the Baltic Sea ecosystem. The Baltic Sea state is assessed and summarized for eutrophication, hazardous substances, heavy metals, marine litter, underwater noise, non-indigenous species, fisheries, sea-bed loss and biodiversity.

Slides to download

pdf   2,6 MB   21. Apr 2022, 09:15  
This e-lecture provides a brief overview about special environmental features and eutrophication in the Baltic Sea. The symptoms and consequences, such as algae blooms and hypoxia are shown and the dynamic is explained based on movies. Causes, namely high nutrient loads, the present state and future perspectives are discussed.

Slides to download

pdf   5,7 MB   21. Apr 2022, 09:18  
This e-lecture provides an overview of indicator-based environmental assessments with a focus on the Baltic Sea. The relationship between pressures, status assessments, thresholds and indicators is exemplified for the eutrophication assessment. Using the oxygen indicator as an example, criteria for a good indicator are demonstrated.

Slides to download

pdf   1,8 MB   12. Mai 2022, 13:12  
This e-lecture uses the Oder/Odra river and the Oder/Szczecin Lagoon as an example to discuss potential restoration measures when a nutrient load management in the river basin fails. Measures such as, groins/groynes, dredging, sediment capping, nutrient precipitation, bio-manipulation are briefly discussed. The cultivation of mussels (Dreissena) is presented as the most promising approach to combat eutrophication.

Slides to download

pdf   3,1 MB   21. Apr 2022, 09:15  
This e-lecture gives an overview of the potential of mussel aquaculture in the Baltic Sea. It explains the most suitable aquaculture strategy for cultivation and challenges that occur in the Baltic Sea. The lecture discusses the influence of decreasing salinity in the Baltic Sea on marketing strategies of cultivated mussels and its economic feasibility.

Slides to download

pdf   2,4 MB   21. Apr 2022, 09:15  
This e-lecture provides an overview about coastal bathing water quality in Europe and Germany. The most important hazards are microbial pathogens introduced by faecal contamination from humans and animals. E. coli and enterococci serve as indicators in EU Directive 2006/7/EC. However, the present monitoring provides only an incomplete picture of existing risks.

Slides to download

pdf   3,1 MB   21. Apr 2022, 09:15  
This e-lecture presents the present knowledge on climate change. It addresses the topics sea level rise, increasing temperatures, pH, salinity, stratification, oxygen, precipitation and riverine nutrient loads. The consequences on coastal erosion, tourism, human pathogens, food webs, jellyfish, fisheries, mussel farming and eutrophication are discussed.

Slides to download

pdf   2,5 MB   21. Apr 2022, 09:15  


During the last decades, marine litter (especially plastics) in the coastal and marine environment has become a dominating topic and major challenge for science, policy and management. The following lectures address this topic in depth and acknowledge its high societal relevance.
This e-lecture gives an overview of the sources and pathways of plastic litter in the marine environment; the negative ecological and economic impacts of plastic litter; and the amount of plastic floating in the oceans and accumulated on the seafloor with special focus on the Baltic Sea and the Mediterranean Sea.

Slides to download

pdf   4,4 MB   21. Apr 2022, 09:15  
This e-lecture gives an overview of the different size classes of plastic litter found on beaches and its negative impact on the society. Pollution levels, cleaning costs, the most common litter items and litter sources for European and partly North African beaches are presented.

Slides to download

pdf   4,5 MB   21. Apr 2022, 09:15  
This e-lecture gives an overview about currently implemented strategies to avoid, reduce and mitigate plastic pollution at the coastal zone. It highlights examples from Europe, especially in the Mediterranean and Baltic Sea. Strengths and weaknesses of each measure, considering aspects of environment, economics, policy, society and technology, are discussed.

Slides to download

pdf   8,3 MB   12. Mai 2022, 13:10  
This e-lecture provides an insight into recent research on microplastic emission sources, pathways as well as transport and behavior in the sea.  Focus is on most important pathways, namely water-bound emissions from urban areas. While wastewater treatment plants are efficient traps, stormwater and sewer overflow seem to be the major microplastic pathways. Once in the sea, microplastic is washed ashore within days.

Slides to download

pdf   2,5 MB   21. Apr 2022, 09:18  
This e-lecture gives an overview of the main factors that determine the input of microplastics on terrestrial soils, its distribution on land, and transport via rivers to the oceans. Emissions from the municipal sewer system are highlighted as a major pathway to rivers. Various methods to address knowledge gaps of microplastic retention in rivers and transitional waters will be presented.

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pdf   2,3 MB   21. Apr 2022, 09:15  
This e-lecture describes different monitoring methods and approaches used by marine environmental management frameworks to assess the pollution status of beaches in Europe and North Africa. Several monitoring methods are presented: how they are carried out; the different size classes of litter they target; and their strengths and weaknesses.

Slides to download

pdf   117,4 MB   11. Aug 2022, 11:24  
Video 1: 100m beach litter monitoring
Video 2: Beach litter analysis
Video 3: Sand Rake beach litter monitoring


Case studies on Coastal Zone Management and Marine Spatial Planning.
This e-lecture presents a coastal protection and renaturation case study in northern Germany. As consequence of sea level rise and storm surges, the existing dyke was abandoned. A controlled flooding and re-wetting of coastal lowlands established an ecologically valuable, protected brackish lagoon system. Nowadays the areas is a tourism attraction, but insufficient information and participation as well as local resistance hampered the planning and implementation process.

Slides to download

pdf   3,0 MB   21. Apr 2022, 09:15  
This e-lecture presents a coastal protection and renaturation case study in northern Germany. As consequence of sea level rise and storm surges, a new coastal protection strategy was implemented.  After finishing a full protection of the town Markgrafenheide from flooding, a controlled re-wetting of the neighboring coastal moors has been implemented. Parts of the coast were left to the natural coastal dynamic. Local resistance hampered the planning and implementation process.

Slides to download

pdf   2,4 MB   21. Apr 2022, 09:15  
This e-lecture presents a coastal protection best-practice case study in northern Germany. As consequence of sea level rise, storm surges and ongoing erosion the coastal flood system in Timmendorf-Scharbeutz became deficient. Applying a Systems Approach Framework, different coastal protection and flooding solutions were developed and assessed. In close cooperation with the local population and stakeholders, a new system was successfully implemented.

Slides to download

pdf   1,8 MB   21. Apr 2022, 09:15  
This case study e-lecture provides an overview of German maritime spatial planning in the exclusive economic zone. The current MSP plan (adopted in 2021) is highlighted from an environmental perspective and an evaluation of the plan is provided with respect to strengths and weaknesses but also in comparison to other MSP plans in the Baltic Sea and its use for marine management.

Slides to download

pdf   1,1 MB   21. Apr 2022, 09:15